الأربعاء، 14 سبتمبر 2011

سلسلة تحدث بالانجليزية الدرس 10 التعبير عن المستقبل باستعمال will

VOA Arabic - Arabic English Lessons: lesson10

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1- Dialogue between Charles Watson and his friend Ahmed.

Charles: Are you going to the university tomorrow?
Ahmed: Yes, I will go there in the morning.
Charles: What are you going to do?
Ahmed: First, I’ll buy my books; then I’ll look around a little; I’ll look for an apartment in the afternoon.
Charles: Ahmed that’s too much. You won’t have time to eat.
Charles: Don’t worry about that. I’ll find time to eat.

2- The simple future with : (will)

When will you buy your books?
I’ll buy my books tomorrow.

When will I finish this work?
You’ll finish this book soon.

When will Jim arrive?
He’ll arrive next week.

When will Ruth prepare diner?
She’ll prepare diner in an hour.

When will they buy a new car?
They’ll buy a new car next summer.

When will we practice English?
We’ll practice English tonight.

3- The simple future with : (will)

Will you buy your books tomorrow?
No, I won’t; I’ll buy my books today.

Will Jim finish the work today?
No, he won’t; he’ll finish it next week.

Will Ann arrive tonight?
No, she won’t; she’ll arrive next Friday.

Will we buy a new car soon?
No, we won’t we’ll buy a new car next summer.

Will they practice English tomorrow?
No, they won’t, they’ll practice English today.

4-(Shall we take a walk? Shall we leave now? Let’s = let us.)
Shall we leave now?
Yes let’s leave now.

Shall we take a walk?
Yes let’s lake a walk.

Shall we set down?
Yes, let’s set down.

Shall we have some coffee?
Yes, let’s have some coffee.

Shall we practice now?
Yes, let’s practice now.

5-(let’s +not =let’s not example: Let’s not set down let’s not take a walk.)

Shall we set down?
Let’s not! Let’s take a walk instead.

Shall we rest now?
Let’s not! Let’s practice instead.

Shall we have some coffee?
Let’s not! Let’s have tea instead.

Shall we leave now?
Let’s not! Let’s leave later instead.

Shall we visit jerry today?
Let’s not! Let’s visit Fred instead.

Shall we go to a movie?
Let’s not! Let’s go shopping instead. 

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