VOA Arabic - Arabic English Lessons: lesson35
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Inch- one inch
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1-Listen to the dialogue between Ahmed and Frank
Frank: Did you know that my brother is a farmer?
Ahmed: No, I didn’t. Where is his farm?
Frank: it’s about fifteen miles from here.
Ahmed: Is it a big farm?
Frank: it’s pretty big; he owns about three hundred acres. He raises corn and wheat.
He also raises cattle.
Ahmed: I’d like to visit an American farm.
Frank: Let’s go there next weekend! My brother would like to meet you.
2-Inch –Foot- yard- mile
incch البوصة
yard الياردة
foot القدم
mile الميل
Inch- one inch
Inches- three inches
Foot- one foot
Feet- three feet
Yard- one yard
Yards- three yards
3- وصف الطول في اللغة الانجليزية
This paper is eight inches long.
This little box is one inch long.
That package is one foot long.
That room is seven feet long.
This shelf is one yard long.
That table is three yards long.
4- وصف العرض في اللغة الانجليزية
This paper is eleven inches wide.
This little box is one inch wide.
That package is one foot wide.
That room is one foot wide.
That room is ten feet wide.
This shelf is one yard wide.
That table is two yards wide.
5- وصف الطول في الانجليزية باستعمال tall و high
The tree is very tall.
That building is very high.
6- Listen to the use of -tall- for people
Ahmed is about six feet tall.
Patty is only four feet tall.
Charles is a very tall man.
Ruth isn’t very tall.
You’re about six feet tall.
Patty is only four feet tall.
That three is very tall.
These buildings are very high.
The mountains aren’t very high.
That girl is very tall.
7- Listen to the use of -acre-.
Acre= 4840 yard square = 4000 meter square
My brother owns about three hundred acres.
Charles owns four acres.
This is one acre of land.
I’d like to have ten acres.
8- استخدام الكلمة mile في الانجليزية للحديث عن المسافات الطويلة
He lives fifteen miles from here.
My brother lives fifteen miles from here.
Charles lives one mile from the school.
New York is a hundred miles from here.
My home is three thousand miles from here.
9- مراجعة شاملة لدرس اليوم
How tall are you?
I am about six feet tall.
How tall is patty?
She’s only four feet tall.
How high is that building?
It’s almost a hundred feet high.
How tall is that tree?
It’s only forty feet tall.
How wide is this paper?
It’s eleven inches wide.
How wide is this box?
It’s only one inch wide.
How wide is this table?
It’s two yards wide.
How wide is the room?
It`s almost five yards wide.
How long is that package?
It`s nine inches long.
How long is the room?
It`s about twelve feet long.
How many acres does your brother own?
He owns about three hundred acres.
How many acres do you own?
I own five acres.
How far away is his farm?
It`s about fifty miles from here.
How far away is NewYork?
It`s a hundred miles from here.
How far away is my home?
It`s three thousand miles from here
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