الأربعاء، 14 سبتمبر 2011

الانجليزية للمبتدئين- حوارات مسموعة باللغة الانجليزية

 .حوارات و محادثات سهلة و مسموعة باللغة الانجليزية من صوت أميركا للمبتدئيين في تعلم اللغة الانجليزية, تعلم الانجليزية و استمتع مجانا.

سلسلة صوت اميركا لتعليم الانجليزية

العشر دروس الاولي - صوت امريكا

العشره دروس الثانيه - صوت امريكا

العشرة دروس الثالثه - صوت امريكا

العشرة دروس الاخيرة - صوت امريكا  


سلسلة تحدث بالانجليزية الدرس 39 التدرب على استعمال صيغة المضارع التام

VOA Arabic - Arabic English Lessons: lesson39

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1-Listen to the dialogue between Charles and Ahmed:

Charles: Would you like to play tennis Ahmed?
Ahmed: say! That’s a good idea! I haven’t played for a long time.
Charles: I really enjoy it. I’ve played for several years.
Ahmed: Does Ruth play tennis too?
Charles: No, she prefers to play golf. She has played golf for many years.
Ahmed: I’ve never played golf, is it difficult to learn?
Charles: I can’t tell you. I’ve never tried to play.

2- استخدام صيغة المضارع التام مع الكلمة for وتعبير دال على الزمن

She has played golf for many years.

I haven’t played tennis for a long time.
I’ve played tennis for several years.

I’ve lived here for several months.
She’s studied English for many years.

She’s studied English for two years.
We have practiced for an hour.

He has worked there for years.
They have talked for a long time.

3- تكوين أسئلة باستخدام صيغة المضارع التام

Have you studied English for a long?
Have you studied English for many years?

Have you studied English for a long time?
I’ve studied English for several years.

Has Jack lived here for a long?
No, he hasn’t leaved here for a long.

Has she played golf for a long?
She’s played golf for several years.

Have you practiced for long?
No, we haven’t practiced for long.

Has he worked here for a long?
He’s worked there for many years.

Have they talked for a long?
No, they haven’t talked for a long.

4- تكوين أسئلة باستخدام المضارع التام للسؤال عن طول حدث أو فعل ما

How long have you studied English?
I’ve studied English for several years.

How long has Jack lived here?
He’s lived here for three years.

How long has Ruth played golf?
She’s played golf for many years.

How long has Mr. Brown worked here?
He’s worked here for several months.

How long have they talked?
They’ve talked for half an hour.

How long have you practiced today?
I’ve practiced for several hours.

How long have you waited for us?
We’ve waited for you for an hour.

5- تدرب على استخدام الفعل play للدلالة على ممارسة الرياضة والعزف على الآلات الموسيقية

Ruth plays golf.

Do you like to play football?
No, I don’t like to play football. I’d rather play basketball.

I can’t play basketball. But, I like to play chess.
Well, I don’t know how to play chess.

Do you know how to play the piano?
Yes, I know how to play the piano.

Well, I know how to play the violin.
Marry can play the guitar.

Jack knows how to play the drums
We should try to play together.

What kind of music will we play?
I don’t know what kind we will play.

It will probably sound terrible.

سلسلة تحدث بالانجليزية الدرس 38 تعلم صيغة المضارع التام في الانجليزية

VOA Arabic - Arabic English Lessons: lesson38

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1-Listen to the dialogue between Ruth and Ahmed

Ruth: Ahmed your English has really improved.
Ahmed: Thank you Ruth, I’ve practiced a lot. I’ve worked hard.
Ruth: I know you have tried very hard.
Ahmed: And I really should thank you again.
Ruth: why?
Ahmed: well! You and Charles have helped me everyday.
Ruth: Well, I’ll tell you a secret. We’ve enjoyed it very much.

2- استمع لهذه الجمل التي تحتوي على صيغة المضارع التام

Ahmed has practiced a lot.
They have helped him everyday.

Ahmed has worked very hard.
I have worked very hard.

She has worked very hard.
We have practiced a lot.

You have practiced a lot.
He has practiced a lot.

We have helped him.

Marry has helped him.
You and I have helped him.

Not + have = have not= haven’t.

We haven’t worked hard.
Jack hasn’t worked hard.

She hasn’t practiced very much.
I haven’t practiced very much.

He hasn’t helped you.
They haven’t helped you.

3- تكوين الاستفهام مع صيغة المضارع التام
Have you ever played tennis?
No, I’ve never played tennis.

Have you ever lived in France?
No, I’ve never lived in France.

Has Jack ever helped you?
Yes, he has often helped me.

Have they ever visited you?
Yes, they’ve often visited me.

Has he ever worked hard?
He’s never worked hard.

Has she ever tried to call you?
No, she has never tried to call me.

Have I ever explained the problem?
Yes, you’ve often explained the problem.

Have they ever traveled to Egypt?
No, they’ve never traveled to Egypt.

4- استعمال الكلمة yet مع صيغة المضارع التام

Have you finished the book yet?
I haven’t finished it. But frank has just finished it.

I have just finished it.

Has marry called you yet?
No, she hasn’t called me yet. But I have just called her.

Has he explained the problem?
No, he hasn’t explained it yet. But, frank has just explained it.

Have we studied lesson 39 yet?
No, we haven’t studied it yet. We have just studied lesson 38.

Has Mr. Brown helped you yet?
No, he hasn’t helped me yet. He has just helped frank.

Have we practiced this lesson yet?
No, we haven’t practiced it yet. We have just practiced the last lesson.

سلسلة تحدث بالانجليزية الدرس 37 استعمال الفعلين lay و lie في الانجليزية

 استعمال الفعلين lay و lie في الانجليزية
VOA Arabic - Arabic English Lessons: lesson37

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1-Listen to the dialogue between Charles and Ahmed
Ahmed: I don’t feel very well, may I sit down for a while.
Charles: Of course, what’s the matter?
Ahmed: My stomach hurts
Charles: Did you eat something bad
Ahmed: No, I ate something good. I ate some chocolate cake. I ate four pieces of it
Charles: Good heavens you should lie down. lay your books on the desk. You can lie down on the sofa

2- تعلم استعمال الفعل lie
lie في المضارع يهجى على هذا النحو lie
lie في الماضي يهجى على هذا النحو lay
واسم الفاعل من الفعل lie هو lying

Ahmed is lying on the sofa

Ahmed wants to lie down
He lay down an hour ago

He’s lying there now
Please lie down on the sofa

The children lay down on their beds
The dog is lying on the floor

3- تدريب آخر على استعمال الفعل lie down

Do you want to lie down?
Yes, I’d like to lie down

Did Ruth lie down an hour ago
Yes, she lay down an hour ago

Did the children lie down on their beds
No, they didn’t lie on their beds, they lay on the floor

Will you lie on the sofa
Yes, I’ll lie on the sofa

Is the dog lying on the floor
No, it’s lying on your chair

4- استعمال الفعل lay في اللغة الانجليزية
lay في المضارع هو lay ويعني يضع
lay في الماضي هو laid

Jack always lays his books on the desk.
I always lay my clothes on the chair

They laid their papers on the table
Yesterday they laid their papers on the table yesterday

Marry laid her coat on the sofa yesterday
He’s laying the packages on the shelf now

I’m laying your pen here
They’ll lay the boxes on the bed

5- تدرب على الفعل lay

Where are laying your coat?
I’m laying it on the sofa.

Did marry lay her purse on the desk?

No, she laid it on the table.

Where did the boys lay their books?

They laid them on the shelf.

Shall we lay these packages here?

No, let’s lay them over there.

Did you lay my papers on the desk?

Yes, I laid them their.

 I lay my pen on the table?
No, you laid it on the shelf.

Will you lay these boxes in the corner?

Yes, I’ll lay them in the corner.

سلسلة تحدث بالانجليزية الدرس 36 تعلم استعمال الفعلين sit و set

 تعلم استعمال الفعلين sit و set
VOA Arabic - Arabic English Lessons: lesson36

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1-Listen to the dialogue between Ahmed and Frank:

Frank: Are you ready to leave Ahmed?
Ahmed: Just a minute Frank, I can’t find my history book.
Frank: Didn’t you set it on the desk?
Ahmed: No, I don’t think so. I thought I set it on that chair!
Frank: Which chair? the one I’m setting on?
Ahmed: Yes, do you see it around there.
Frank: Here it is Ahmed; it was under the chair; now let’s go we’re almost late for class.

2-Listen to the use of “set” and “sit”
Please sit down!
Jack is setting in that chair.
Ask Mrs. Brow to sit down!
Tell Marry to sit there!
The children are sitting on the floor.
Ruth sat on the sofa last night.
The boys sat on the chairs yesterday.

3-listen to use of “sit” in some questions
Where shall we sit?
Let’s sit right here.

Did Mrs. Brown sit there?
Yes, she sat there.

Where did Charles sit?
He sat on the sofa.

Did the children sit on the floor?
No, they didn’t sit on the floor.

Where are the boys going to sit?
They’re going to sit on the chairs.

Will Marry sit there?
Yes, she’ll sit there.

4-Listen to the use of the verb “set” in these sentences:

Please set the books on my desk!
She set her purse on the table yesterday.

Please set that package here!
They set the boxes in the corner yesterday.

He is setting his papers on the shelf
I’ll set your letters on the table.

5- تعلم استعمال الفعل set

Where did you set my books?
I set them on the desk.

Did Marry set her purse here?
No, she didn’t set it here.

Where shall we set this box?
Let set it in the corner.

Where is he setting his papers?
He’s setting them on the shelf.

Who set my letters on the table yesterday?
I set your letters there.

6- استمع لهذه الجمل التي تحتوي على الفعلين sit و set
The children are sitting on the floor.
The children sat on the floor.

The children will sit on the floor.
They are sitting on the chairs.

They sat in the chairs.
They will sit in the chairs.

He is setting my books in the desk.
He set my books on the desk.

He will set my books on the desk.
He is setting the package in the corner.

He set the package in the corner.
He will set the package in the corner.

Charles is setting his letters in the table.
Charles set his letters on the table.

Charles will set his letters on the table.
She is setting her purse on the shelf.

She set her purse on the shelf.
She will set her purse on the shelf.

سلسلة تحدث بالانجليزية الدرس 35 وحدات قياس الطول والارتفاع والمساحة في الانجليزية

VOA Arabic - Arabic English Lessons: lesson35

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1-Listen to the dialogue between Ahmed and Frank
Frank: Did you know that my brother is a farmer?
Ahmed: No, I didn’t. Where is his farm?
Frank: it’s about fifteen miles from here.
Ahmed: Is it a big farm?
Frank: it’s pretty big; he owns about three hundred acres. He raises corn and wheat.
He also raises cattle.
Ahmed: I’d like to visit an American farm.
Frank: Let’s go there next weekend! My brother would like to meet you.

2-Inch –Foot- yard- mile

incch البوصة
yard الياردة
foot القدم
mile الميل

Inch- one inch 
Inches- three inches
Foot- one foot
Feet- three feet
Yard- one yard
Yards- three yards

3- وصف الطول في اللغة الانجليزية

This paper is eight inches long.
This little box is one inch long.
That package is one foot long.
That room is seven feet long.
This shelf is one yard long.
That table is three yards long.

4- وصف العرض في اللغة الانجليزية

This paper is eleven inches wide.
This little box is one inch wide.
That package is one foot wide.
That room is one foot wide.
That room is ten feet wide.
This shelf is one yard wide.
That table is two yards wide.

5- وصف الطول في الانجليزية باستعمال tall و high

The tree is very tall.
That building is very high.

6- Listen to the use of -tall- for people

Ahmed is about six feet tall.
Patty is only four feet tall.

Charles is a very tall man.
Ruth isn’t very tall.
You’re about six feet tall.
Patty is only four feet tall.
That three is very tall.
These buildings are very high.
The mountains aren’t very high.
That girl is very tall.

7- Listen to the use of -acre-.

Acre= 4840 yard square = 4000 meter square

My brother owns about three hundred acres.
Charles owns four acres.
This is one acre of land.
I’d like to have ten acres.

8- استخدام الكلمة mile في الانجليزية للحديث عن المسافات الطويلة

He lives fifteen miles from here.
My brother lives fifteen miles from here.
Charles lives one mile from the school.
New York is a hundred miles from here.
My home is three thousand miles from here.

9- مراجعة شاملة لدرس اليوم

How tall are you?
I am about six feet tall.

How tall is patty?
She’s only four feet tall.

How high is that building?
It’s almost a hundred feet high.

How tall is that tree?
It’s only forty feet tall.

How wide is this paper?
It’s eleven inches wide.

How wide is this box?
It’s only one inch wide.

How wide is this table?
It’s two yards wide.

How wide is the room?
It`s almost five yards wide.

How long is that package?
It`s nine inches long.

How long is the room?
It`s about twelve feet long.

How many acres does your brother own?
He owns about three hundred acres.

How many acres do you own?
I own five acres.

How far away is his farm?
It`s about fifty miles from here.

How far away is NewYork?
It`s a hundred miles from here.

How far away is my home?
It`s three thousand miles from here

سلسلة تحدث بالانجليزية الدرس 34 العملة الأمريكية – تحدث عن النقود بالانجليزية

VOA Arabic - Arabic English Lessons: lesson34

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1-Listen to the dialogue between Ahmed and Frank:
Ahmed: Does the stamp machine take nickels?
Frank: No, it doesn’t, it only takes dimes and quarters.
Ahmed: Can you change a dollar for me?
Frank: I think so, what kind of change do you want?
Ahmed: I’d like two quarters and five dimes.
Frank: Ok, here you are.
Ahmed: Tanks a lot Frank.

2-Listen and repeat:
1 Nickel=5 cents. (Cent /penny)
1 dollar= 100 cent.
1 Dime =10 cent.
Quarter=25 cent

Penny – pennies.
Nickel – nickels.
Dime- dimes.
quarter - quarters.
Half dollar - half dollars.

3-Listen and repeat:
A one dollar bill.
A five dollar bill.
A ten dollar bill
I have a one dollar bill.
He has a five dollar bill.
Ruth wants a ten dollar bill.
Please give me a twenty dollar bill.

4- Listen and repeat “Money”:
He has a lot of money.
I have a lot of money.

We don’t have much money.
Ruth needs some money.
They want some more money.

5-listen and repeat “change” as a noun:

Do you have any change?
Yes, I have some change. I have a quarter. I have some pennies too.

Does Charles have any change?
No, he doesn’t have any change. He gave me all of his change.

6-listen and repeat “change” as a verb:
Did he change the dollar for you?
Yes, he changed it for me.

Can you change a five dollar bill?
No, I can’t change a five dollar bill.

7-listen and repeat to all we’ve learned before:
Do you have much money?
No, I don’t have much money.

How much money do you have?
I have about five dollars.

Do you have any change?
Yes, I have some change. I have two quarters.

Do you have any nickels?
No, I don’t have any nickels.

Do you have any dimes?
Yes, I have several dimes.

Do you have a half dollar?
No, I don’t have a half dollar.

Do you have a one dollar bill?
Yes, I have a one dollar bill.
Do you have a ten dollar bill?
No, I don’t have a ten dollar bill. I only have a five dollar bill.

Can you change a dime for me?
Yes, I can change a dime. Do you want two nickels?

No, I’d like ten pennies.
I have only one penny.

سلسلة تحدث بالانجليزية الدرس 33 وحدات القياس للسوائل في اللغة الانجليزية

VOA Arabic - Arabic English Lessons: lesson33

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1-Listen to the dialogue between Ahmed and Charles:

Charles: Ruth needs a few things from the supermarket.
Ahmed: Did she make a list?
Charles: Yes, she did, I have it here. She wants two quarts of milk and a pint of cream.
Ahmed: Anything else?
Charles: She wants some vegetables too.
Ahmed: You goanna buy some candy?
Charles: Candy?! That isn’t in the list!
Ahmed: I know but I like candy

2- Listen and repeat :

Pint – pints.
Quart – quarts.
Gallon –gallons.
Quart= 4 Pint
Gallon= 4,50 liter

Does Ruth want a pint of cream?
Yes she wants a pint of cream.

Shall I get two pints of milk?
Let’s get two quarts of milk.

Does she need a gallon of oil?
No, that’s too much. Don’t buy a gallon. Buy a quart of oil.

3- Listen and repeat “how much does it cost”

How much does the cream cost?
A pint of cream costs fifty cents.

How much does the milk cost?
A quart of milk costs thirty two cents.

How much does gasoline cost?
A gallon of gasoline costs forty cents.

How much did the cream cost?
Two of pints cream costs ninety cents.

How much did the milk cost?
Three quarts of milk costs ninety five cents.

How much did the gasoline cost?
Two gallons of gasoline cost eighty cents.

4-listen and repeat

1 dollar= 100 cent
Dollar /dollars
Cent /cents
How much does this meat cost?
It costs a dollar a pound

How much did the fruit cost?
It cost 1 dollar and fifty cents.

Did the butter cost a lot?
It cost over two dollars.

Did the vegetables cost a lot?
They cost two dollars and ten cents.

5-listen and repeat:

Did you buy a dozen eggs?
No, I bought two dozen eggs.

Did you buy a pound of apples?
Yes, I bought a pound of apples.

I bought two pound of bananas.

Did the bananas cost a lot?
No, they didn’t they cost fifteen cents a pound.

How much cheese did you buy?
I bought eight inches of cheese.

How much did the Pineapple weight?
The Pineapple weight fourteen ounces ?

Shall we get some potatoes?
Yes, let’s get five bounds of potatoes.

How much do the onions cost?
The onions cost seven cents a pound.

Did you buy any green beans?
No, I didn’t buy any green beans

How much is the cabbage?
The cabbage is very cheap. It costs twelve cents a pound.

Did you buy a quart of milk?
I bought several quarts of milk.

Did you buy some gasoline this morning?
Yes, I bought ten gallons of gasoline.

سلسلة تحدث بالانجليزية الدرس 32 تعلم المقاييس باللغة الانجليزية

VOA Arabic - Arabic English Lessons: lesson32

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1-Listen the dialogue between Allen and Ahmed:
Allen: Hello Ahmed! Can I help you today?
Ahmed: Yes, you can Mister Allen. I need a loaf of bread a dozen egg. And a pound of cheese.
Allen: How about some fruit, I have some nice grapes, they are only thirty cents a pound.
Ahmed: All right give me a pound please! And I want two pounds of beef.
Allen: Anything else Ahmed?
Ahmed: No, thanks Mister Allen. How much is that?
Allen: It’s four dollar and twelve cents.

2-listen and repeat:
Do you want a loaf of bread?
I want two loaves of bread.

I want two loaves of white bread.
I want two loaves of white bread. And, a loaf of brown bread.

Do you want a dozen eggs?
Yes, I want a dozen eggs. I want a dozen apples too.

Do you want two dozen eggs?
No, I don’t want two dozen eggs.

Do you want a bottle of milk?
Yes, I want a bottle of milk

Do you want a bottle of oil?
No, I don’t need a bottle of oil.

Do you want a box of soap?
I’d like two boxes of soap.

Do you want large boxes?
I’ll take one large box and one small box of soap.

Do you want a package of rice?
Yes, I’ll have a small package of rice.

Would you like a package of cigarettes?
Yes, give me two packages of cigarettes.

Do you want a kind of soap?
I want several kinds of soap. And I’d like a kind beans.

3- Listen and repeat:
Kind of
Box of
Package of
A Dozen eggs
Pound /pounds.
Weight/ weighed

How much does it weigh?
It weighs one pound.

How much does this weigh?
It weighs three pounds.

Did you weigh the books?
Yes, I weighed it. It weighs four ounces.

How much does this package weigh?
It weighs one pound one ounce.

4- listen and repeat:

How much does this cost?
It costs ten cents a pound.

How much do the grapes cost?
They cost thirty cents a pound.

How much do the eggs cost?
They cost fifty cents a dozen.

How much does the beef costs?
It costs eighty cents a pound.

Did the bread cost a lot?
No, it didn’t cost a lot. It costs twenty five cents a

How much did the cheese cost?
It didn’t cost a lot. It costs forty cents a pound.

How much are the apples?
They cost thirty five cents a pound.

Do the bananas cost a lot?
No, they don’t cost a lot. They cost fourteen cents a pound.

سلسلة تحدث بالانجليزية الدرس 31 التركيبات التي تتألف من الصفة وحرف الجر

VOA Arabic - Arabic English Lessons: lesson31

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1-listen to this dialogue between Charles and Ahmed:
Ahmed: Well, that was a nice party!
Charles: Yes it was, the house was crowded with people.
Ahmed: The Browns seem pleased with their new house. It’s very different from their old one.
Charles: I’m glad we give them a gift.
Ahmed: I am too. Mrs. Brown was pleased with it.

2-listen to these sentences:
Mr. Brown is married to Mrs Brown.
Mr. Brown was married to Mrs Brown.

Ann is married to Jerry.
Ann was married to Jerry.

The room is crowded with people.
The room was crowded with people.

Your desk is crowded with books.
Your desk was crowded with books.

Mrs. Brown is pleased with the gift.
Mrs. Brown was pleased with the gift.

I am pleased with your work.
I was pleased with your work.

Patty is afraid of dogs.
Patty was afraid of dogs.

They are afraid of failing.
They were afraid of failing.

Billy is frightened by the storm.
Billy was frightened by the storm.

We are frightened by the noise.
We were frightened by the noise.

3-listen to these sentences:
They are happy with the new house.
They were happy with the new house.

He is happy with his job.
He was happy with his job.

She is kind to her children.
She was kind to her children.

Mister Thomas is very kind to the students.
Mister Thomas was very kind to the students.

I am careful with my clothes.
I was careful with my clothes.

Patty is careful with the knife.
Patty was careful with the knife.

4-Listen to these questions and answers:
Is Ms. Brown married to that lady?
Yes, he is married to her.

Was Ann married to Jerry last year?
No, she wasn’t married to him then.

Is the room very crowded with people?
Yes, it’s very crowded with people.

Was your desk crowded with books?
No, it wasn’t crowded with books.

Was Mrs. Brown pleased with the gift?
Yes, she was very pleased with it.

Is Frank pleased with his work?
No, he isn’t pleased with it.

Are you afraid of dogs?
Yes, I am afraid of dogs.

Were they afraid of failing?
No, they weren’t afraid of failing.

Is Billy frightened by the noise?
Yes, he is a little frightened by it.

Were you frightened by the storm?
No, we weren’t frightened by it.

Are they happy with their new house?
Yes, they are very happy with it.

Was Frank happy with his job?
No, he wasn’t very happy with it.

Is that teacher kind to the children?
Yes, she is very kind to them.

Was mister Thomas kind to the students?
No, he wasn’t very kind to them.

Are you careful with your clothes?
Yes, I am very careful with them.

Was Patty careful with the knife?
No, she wasn’t very careful with it.